Seattle Public Schools



New Year, New Money

大四学生有很多方法赚钱供他们上大学. You just need to know where to look. 这里有一些家庭需要为高中毕业后的生活做准备的重要信息. 


2024-25年度的助学金申请已经简化. 对于有兴趣上大学的大四学生,填写一份申请 federal financial aid (FAFSA) or Washington state financial aid (WASFA) is one of the first steps to receiving aid.  

尽早完成FAFSA或WASFA的申请. Applications must be submitted by April 30. 让父母或监护人陪着也是个好主意,他们可以帮你回答问题,收集信息 documents you will need  

Important Changes This Year for FAFSA



Students and their parent will need to create their own account (FSA ID) as soon as possible. 这个过程现在需要3-5个工作日,所以要计划好额外的时间. 父母离异或分居分居的学生, 为你提供最多经济支持的父母/贡献者应该被用来完成你的FAFSA. Check out the 有关联邦学生援助的更多信息.   

Contributor tax information will be transferred from IRS  

询问父母财务信息的问题更少. 税务信息的转移需要得到联邦政府的同意和批准. This is required for all, 包括那些没有社会安全号码(SSN)或没有提交U.S. taxes. 如果你的父母/监护人还没有提交2022年的税款, 他们应该努力尽快完成这一进程. 新的FAFSA申请要求财务信息在可能的情况下直接从IRS数据中提取, so there’s less information to enter manually.   


期望家庭贡献(EFC)已被重新制定并赋予了新的名称, the Student Aid Index (SAI). 这个计算决定了学生是否有资格获得某些类型的援助. The SAI will expand the Federal Pell Grant program 给更多的学生,大约93万额外的佩尔助学金将被授予.   

If you are unsure which to apply for, you can visit the website for more information. 

Scholarship Opportunities 

Seattle Promise Application Due February 16

The deadline for the Seattle Promise Scholarship is fast approaching. 奖学金增加了学生上大学的机会, particularly those from underrepresented groups. 它向所有SPS毕业生开放,无论GPA,收入,能力或出生国家.    

Free tuition is just the beginning. See how the Seattle Promise scholarship works. 

When applying for the Seattle Promise, 不要忘记附上你想要发送FAFSA/WASFA信息的大学代码.   

  • Seattle Central College – 003787  
  • North Seattle College – 009704         
  • South Seattle College – 009706 

关于西雅图承诺奖学金的问题可以发送到, or you can reach out to a Seattle Promise Outreach Specialist

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

The Washington State Opportunity Scholarship正规的棋牌平台排行榜的在校学生和校友提供两项奖学金 income requirements, determined by completing FAFSA or WASFA. 对STEM和医疗保健以及副学士学位课程/学徒感兴趣的12年级学生可以获得大量资金.   

The Baccalaureate Scholarship 是为那些打算在STEM或医疗保健领域获得学士学位的学生准备的, 包括那些计划从两年制或社区大学开始,然后转到四年制大学的学生, up to $22,500. 该奖学金对公民身份没有要求. 奖学金提交和FAFSA/WASFA提交的截止日期为2月8日. 29. Learn more and apply.  

The Career and Technical Scholarship is for students who intend to earn a certificate, apprenticeship, or associate degree in STEM, health care, and the trades. 该奖学金每季度为超过1000人提供高达1500美元的奖学金 eligible programs. 资金可以用来支付学费以外的生活费用, such as transportation, food, and housing. 该申请每年开放三次,每季度提供资金. Learn more and apply.  

The Stim Bullitt Civic Courage Scholarship,由西雅图公共图书馆基金会赞助,现在开放投稿至3月15日. 这项奖学金要求学生写一个1,500字的文章,描述华盛顿州的一个人或一群人在一个对社区重要的问题上表现出公民的勇气, political, or professional risk. It is open to individuals who live, work, 或者在西雅图上学,并且正在申请进入高等教育机构.   

The first-place winner will receive a $5,000 scholarship; two second place winners will receive scholarships for $2,500 scholarships. 获奖论文将被永久收藏在西雅图公共图书馆的休和简弗格森西雅图室. Full contest details.  

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Each spring, 西雅图学校奖学金基金颁发奖学金,以表彰学生的坚韧和对社区的贡献.